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  3. Video Statistics: Filters Explained

Video Statistics: Filters Explained

Use the Statistics section to get crucial insights into the performance of your video content.

  • Go to the Analytics tab at the top of the screen
  • Click the “Statistics” icon in the sidebar menu.

In the Analytics dashboard, use the filters panel to zoom in on views with specific values for the following variables:

  • Content
  • Audience
  • Context
  • Technology
  • Engagement
  • Ad units

For example:

  • Use a “Duration” filter to zoom in on views for videos with a length below 1 minute;
  • Use the “Country” filter to only display views from the United Kingdom;
  • Use the “Device type” filter to only report on views from smartphones:

filter examples video statistics

Consult the list below to learn more about the filter terminology:

1.0 | Content

1.1 | Title

Filter on one or more clip titles. Use “show more” or “search more” to display clip titles not included in the top 10 shown by default.

1.2 | Clip ID

Filter on one or more specific clip IDs. Use “show more” or “search more” to display clip IDs not included in the top 10 shown by default.

1.3 | Duration

Filter on one or more clip length intervals: 0 to 15 seconds clips, 2 to 3 minute clips, etc.

Note: the duration property does not apply to livestream clips. Livestreams are logged in the 0 – 15 seconds interval.

1.4 | Media type

Type of media file. Distinguish between video and audio.

1.5 | Source type

Type of source. Distinguish between on-demand content and live streams.

Livestream: stream URL & third party services

It’s possible to submit the stream URL to third party services that for example stream live radio. Sharing content this way still uses Blue Billywig’s CDN, but will not result in any logging in the Analytics dashboard as the Blue Billywig player is required to collect these stats.

2.0 | Audience

2.1 | Country

Top 5 countries. Use “show more” or “search more” to display countries not included in the top 10 shown by default.

2.2 | Region

Top 10 regions. Use “show more” or “search more” to display regions not included in the top 10 shown by default.

2.3 | City

Top 10 cities. Use “show more” or “search more” to display cities not included in the top 10 shown by default.

2.4 | Web Domain

Websites where clips were viewed. For example: www.mydomain.com No distinction is made between specific page paths.

Note: iframe embedded media is logged differently. Read more about the difference between Javascript and iframe embedding.

2.5 | Referring Web Domain

Sites where viewers clicked on a link to arrive at the page where clips were viewed. No distinction is made between specific page paths. For example: www.google.com

Note: iframe embedded media is logged differently. Read more about the difference between Javascript and iframe embedding.

2.6 | Web Address

Full URL (i.e. including the exact page paths) where clips were viewed. For example: www.mydomain.com/page-1

Note: iframe embedded media is logged differently. Read more about the difference between Javascript and iframe embedding.

2.7 | Referring Web Address

Full URL (i.e. including the exact page paths) where viewers clicked on a link to arrive at the page where clips were viewed. For example: www.google.com/search-results-page-300

Note: iframe embedded media is logged differently. Read more about the difference between Javascript and iframe embedding.

3.0 | Context

3.1 | Playout

Views collected in the playouts used to display clips. 

3.2 | Project

Views on media clips when viewed in Interactive Projects.

3.3 | Playlist

Views on media clips when viewed in playlists.

3.4 | Channel

Views on media clips when viewed in Channels.

3.5 | Project Context

Views on media clips when viewed in an Interactive Project with a specific context.

3.6 | Initiator

Filter on the “initiator” of the clip. Possible values include: 

  • Default: clip views from ‘regular’ clip embeds. 
  • Widget: clip views initiated by an interactive element. 
  • Cliplist: clip views initiated in an embedded playlist.
  • Suggest: clip view initiated by suggested items.
  • AutoPlayNext: clip views initiated by a playlist, set to autoplay next on the playout after a clip is finished.
  • RelatedItem: clip views selected by the viewer from the suggested clips displayed in the pause or end screen.
  • Render: clip views initiated by the Render feature.
  • Channel: clip views initiated by a Channel
Related Items & Deep Link

It’s possible for viewers to navigate to a clip’s deep link when a related item is clicked (read more about media clip deep links and deep link settings on the playout). Keep in mind that this setting prevents a click on the related item (and the following page load) from being logged as a related item (“RelatedItem”). Instead, with this setting a click on  a related item will be logged as “default”.

4.0 | Technology

4.1 | Device Type

Clip views with a specific device type. Possible values include: smartphone, desktop, tablet, smart tv, etc.

4.2 | Operating System

Clip views with a specific type of operating system. Possible values include: Android, iOS, Windows, OS X, etc.

4.3 | Operating System Version

Clip views with a specific operating system. For example: distinguish between specific iOS or Windows versions.

4.4 | Browser

Clip views with a specific browser. Possible values include: Chrome Mobile, Facebook, Mobile Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.

4.5 | Browser Version

Clip views with a specific browser version. Distinguish between specific browser versions.

4.6 | Video Quality

Clip views with a specific bitrate (kilobits per second).

4.7 | Screen Resolution

Clip views with specific screen resolutions of the device used to display clips (width x height). For example: 1920×1080, 414×896, etc.

4.8 | Playmode

Used for advanced debugging purposes only.

4.9 | Autoplay

Clip views as a result of a player set to autoplay.

In View Settings

This filter only considers the explicit “autoplay” setting. When a clip starts playing automatically because the “inview” settings are set to “play” this will not be considered by this specific filter.

4.10 | Automute

Clips views where the ‘automute’ playout setting resulted in the audio being muted as soon as the clip was started.

4.11 | Fullscreen

Clip views of which (parts of) the video was viewed in fullscreen.

4.12 | Autoloop

Clip views that have a autoloop configured on it.

4.13 | Mobile Brand

Clip views with a specific brand of smartphone or tablet. Possible values include: Google, Samsung and Apple.

4.14 | Mobile Model

Clip views with a specific model of smartphone or tablet. Possible values include: Google Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy S8+, Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S10.

5.0 | Engagement

5.1 | Moving Thumbnail Played

On desktop, a moving thumbnail animates when viewers hover their cursor over the video player. On mobile devices the thumbnail animates once the video is in view. This filter only shows clips where the moving thumbnail was animated. Clips for which the moving thumbnail is disabled in the playout setting are not considered.

5.2 | Main Content Started

Distinguish between instances where the main content did or did not start. Possible causes for clips not starting include: instances where viewers paused the player or exited the page during the preroll ad or instances where the player was loaded, but the media failed to load.

5.3 | Percentage Reached

Number of views that reached X% of a clip (bundled in 10% intervals). For example: in 221 instances the clip was terminated at the 51-60% mark of the clip.

5.4 | Time Reached

Number of views that reached the X second/minute/hour mark of a clip (bundled in intervals). For example: in 145 instances the clip was terminated at the 30-45 second mark of the clip:

5.5 | Time Viewed

Number of views where the viewer spent X seconds/minutes/hours viewing a clip (bundled in intervals). Seeking forward/backward is included in the time viewed. For example: in 32 instances the viewer spent 1-2 minutes viewing a clip. This could very well also include views on a clip with a duration of 15 seconds where the viewer seeked back to the beginning multiple times.

5.6 | Completed

Number of views for which the end of the clip was reached.

5.7 | Has Interactivity

Distinguish between clips with or without an interactive timeline.

5.8 | Custom Event

Used for advanced debugging purposes only.

5.9 | User ID

ID attributed to each unique visit. Used for calculating unique visitor statistics and specific debug purposes.

5.10 | Player Session ID

ID attributed to each player session. Used for calculating unique visitor statistics and specific debug purposes.

5.11 | View Session ID

ID attributed to each view session in a specific player. Used for calculating unique visitor statistics and specific debug purposes.

5.12 | Unmuted

Clip views in which the viewer unmuted the audio at some point during the clip.

5.13 | Player Functions

Clip views where actions were performed on the control bar related to sharing and subtitles.

6.0 | Ad Units

6.1 | VAST Quartiles

Clip views where the viewer reached the 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% mark of an ad.

6.2 | VAST Service Click

Used for advanced debugging purposes only.

6.3 | Views with Ad Unit Init

Clip views with Ad units that were initialized during a clip view.

6.4 | Views with Line Item Init

Clips views with line items that were initialized during a clip view.

6.5 | Views with Creative Impressions

Clip views with one or more ad impressions.

6.6 | Views with Creative Clicks

Clip views where a viewer clicked the ad to visit the advertiser’s website.

6.7 | Views with Creative Skips

Clip views where one ore more ads were skipped.

6.8 | Views with Creative Errors

Clip views where errors occurred during an ad impression.

6.9 | Views with Ad System

Used for advanced debugging purposes only.

6.10 | Views with Ad Blocker Detected

Clip views where ad impressions were blocked by an ad blocker in the browser.

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