URL Import

Use the import feature in the Online Video Platform (OVP) to upload your video and audio content by entering a URL. For example: enter a WeTransfer or Dropbox download link to immediately upload content to the OVP.

URL Import Disclaimer

Several disclaimers apply when using the import feature:

  • Copyright infringement is punished by law, therefore: only content owned by the user may be imported into the OVP.
  • Platforms may enforce varying policies regarding the extraction of their source material. Due to changes in policies and reliance on the hosting party we are unable provide full support in case of a failed import or a slow performance. Our support for the URL import feature is therefore on a best-effort basis.

1.0 | URL Import 

To use the URL import feature:

  • Go to the “Media Library”
  • Navigate to the “Upload & Transcode” section in the left menu
  • (Advanced use only): select a transcoding preset for your video import in the dropdown menu (read more about transcoding assets). When in doubt, simply select ‘default’:

  • Expand the “Advanced” section for optional settings:

advanced import upload settings

    • Title from filename: automatically apply the title specified in the imported content (if available).
    • Auto-publish: publish the clip once the import is finished.
    • Embargo: schedule the availability of your content.
      • Available from: the item is unavailable before the specified date and time.
      • Available to: the item is unavailable after the specified date and time.
  • Enter the URL in the import text field


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