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  3. Simulated Live

Simulated Live

Simulated Live allows you to present on demand content as a Live video. Whether it’s an important pre-recorded announcement or seminar: create a Live experience for your viewers, including a countdown timer as well as a limited availability of the live stream.

1.0 | Get started

To get started:

  • Click to expand “Media library” in the left sidebar menu;
  • Either select an existing clip or upload a new clip
  • In the clip settings, open the “Embed” tab

2.0 | Schedule simulated live clip

Use the “soft embargo” settings to turn your on demand clip into a live stream.

Soft embargo setting

The “Soft embargo” setting might not be available by default. Reach out to your video consultant to enable this setting.

  • Availability
    Set a start date and time for your live stream to become available for viewers.
  • Treat as live
    Enable to treat as a live stream: from the start time of the soft embargo until the length of the mediaclip has passed. After the duration of the video has passed, the content will be available as a normal on demand clip.

Set the soft embargo availability to 11:00. The length on demand clip is 50 minutes. The clip will be available for viewers at exactly 11:00. From 11:00 to 11:50 the clip will be presented as a live stream. At 11:50 the clip can be viewed as a normal on demand clip.

Click “Save” to save your settings.


3.0 | Simulated Live: Player Display

Determine the display of your simulated live clip in the Playout settings:

  • Click to expand “Media library” in the left sidebar menu;
  • Click “Playouts” and select a playout;
  • Open the “Player states” tab;

  • Scroll down to “Soft Embargo”;

Control the simulated live display with the following settings:

  • Countdown timer variant
    Select the location of the countdown timer:

    • Center

    • Bottom left

  • Countdown time hidden
    Check to hide the countdown timer.
  • Countdown timer color
    Set the color of the countdown timer.
  • Countdown timer text
    Set the text countdown timer text. The default text used for countdowns is “Live in” translated in multiple different languages. Filling in a manual text overwrites this default and removes all translations.
  • Use custom thumbnail
    Override the clip’s own thumbnail with a custom thumbnail.

4.0 | Embed simulated live clip

Embed your simulated live clip the same way as you would place a normal on demand or live clip on your page. Learn more about embedding.

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