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  3. Set up a livestream

Set up a livestream

In this article you will learn how to set up a live clip. This includes creating a live clip, setting up a stream (hosted by Blue Billywig or a third party), publishing the live clip and using additional features: pausing and recording a live stream.

1.0 | Create a live clip

In the Media Library:

  • Click Upload & Transcode in the left sidebar menu
  • Open the tab “Live stream”

Create a livestream by setting up a:

  • Blue Billywig live stream
    Set up a Blue Billywig live stream if you want Blue Billywig to handle the reception, processing and distribution of the live stream.
  • A third party stream
    Set up a Third party stream if your stream is already hosted by a third party and merely needs to be rendered in the Blue Billywig Player.

2.0 | Set up a Blue Billywig live stream

Set up a Blue Billywig live stream if you want Blue Billywig to handle the reception, processing and distribution of the live stream.

Recording software

A third party application is needed to make a connection between the video/audio source and the Blue Billywig live platform. If you currently don’t have a source application, we recommend using OBS Studio (free).

2.1 | Configure stream type

  • Title
    Enter a title for the live clip.
  • Stream name
    Stream names must be unique and may contain alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores. The maximum allowed length is 24 characters.
  • Stream type: Video or Audio
    Select “video” when streaming video and audio. Select “audio” when streaming only audio.
  • Ingested type: RTMP or Webdav
    For advanced use only: select RTMP if you are unfamiliar with the terms.

Click “Create Live stream” to automatically open the “Streams” tab. The “Streams” tab displays both the stream details and ingest details:

2.2 | Stream details: Pause a live stream

To pause a livestream that is currently ingesting: in the “Streams” tab of the live media clip:

  • Enable the “Paused” option
  • Click “Save”

When paused, the thumbnail of the live stream will display.

To resume your livestream:

  • Disable the “Pause” checkbox
  • Click “Save”
Pause feature not supported when recording

It’s not possible to pause a live stream when the content is recorded.

2.3 | Stream details: Record a live stream

Recording your livestream makes the content of your stream available as an on-demand item in the media library.

To record a livestream:

  • Enable the “Recording” option
  • Click “Save”

  • The live stream will be recorded as it’s ingesting content.
  • After ingesting has stopped, the recording will appear in the Media Library as an on demand item.

Metadata applied to the live clip will be copied to the on demand recording.

2.4 | DVR (Digital Video Recorder)

Our live platform supports DVR, allowing viewers to seek back to content that has been streamed as the livestream is being broadcasted. This feature is useful for viewers who might have missed a specific part of the live stream or want to rewatch certain parts.

Viewers are able to rewind up to 3 hours.

  • Enable the “DVR” option
  • Click “Save”

DVR not supported in Native SDK

DVR is currently not supported in players initiated by our Native SDK.

2.5 | Ingest details: Connect to source application

Use the Ingest URL and Stream key in the source application you are using to ingest your live content to the live clip.

Both the ingest URL as well as the Stream key must be entered in your source application to provide access to the live stream server:

Start or stop a livestream

Although it’s possible to pause a live stream in the OVP; use the source application to start or stop a livestream.

3.0 | Set up a Third Party live stream

Set up a Third party stream if your stream is already hosted by a third party and merely needs to be rendered in the Blue Billywig Player.

  • Title (required)
    Enter a clip title.
  • Source URL (required)
    The source URL to be ingested by the player.
  • Stream type: Video or Audio
    Select “video” when streaming video and audio. Select “audio” when streaming only audio.
  • Type, Bandwidth, Width and Height (optional)
    Provide additional (optional) information about the type, bandwidth, width and height. You can edit/add these properties later.
  • Click “Create Live stream”.
DVR support in third party stream

DVR for streams hosted and maintained by a third party service is only supported when the source URL allows DVR.

4.0 | Publish and embed your live stream

Before embedding a live clip on your website, make sure to:

  • Enter relevant metadata, such as a title, description and deep link. These fields can be found under the tab “Metadata” of the live clip (learn more about adding metadata):

  • Upload a thumbnail for the live clip (learn more about thumbnails);

  • Change the status from Draft to Published and click Save to save all changes (learn more about publishing a media clip).

To embed the live clip:

  • Open to the “Embed” tab:

  • Select the embed type and playout (learn more about playouts and embedding a media clip)
  • Copy the generated embed code and place in your page’s source code to embed the live clip

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