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Matomo Analytics

In addition to using our Analytics dashboard, connect your playouts to your Matomo account (formerly known as Piwik) to fully integrate your video analytics with your overall web traffic analyses.

Matomo incompatible with Piwik Pro

Filling the Matomo options automatically disables the Piwik Pro options and vice versa.

1.0 | Connect to Matomo

To connect a Matomo account to a Playout:

  • Click to expand “Media library” in the left menu panel
  • Click “Playouts”
  • Select a Playout;
  • Navigate to the Miscellaneous tab and scroll down to Developer Options

    Matomo Settings Availability

    The Matomo settings may not be available by default. Please contact your account manager or support@bluebillywig.com to access these settings.

  • Enable Matomo logging by supplying both an Matomo Tracking HTTP API endpoint (Matomo (base) URL) as well a Matomo site ID.

2.0 | Event Logging

The following events and content interactions are logged in Matomo using query parameters as documented by Matomo (learn more):

2.1 | Event Categories 

Matomo query parameter: e_c (string)

  • Video: e_c = Video
  • Audio: e_c = Audio

2.2 | Event Actions

Matomo query parameter: e_a (string)

  • Init (player load): e_a = Init
  • Play: e_a = Play
  • Finish: e_a = Init

2.3 | Event Name

Matomo query parameter: e_n (string)

  • For mediaclips: clip id – clip title
    • Example (decoded): e_n: 5828638 – Workshop (Bilingual)
    • Example (encoded): e_n = 5828638%20-%20Workshop%20(Bilingual)
  • For interactive projects: project id – project title
    • Example (decoded): e_n: 5518110 – Interactieve video demo – experience interactive video
    • Example (encoded): e_n = 5518110%20-%20Interactieve%20video%20demo%20-%20experience%20interactive%20video

2.4 | Content Interactions

Matomo query parameter: c_i (string)

  • Resume: c_i = Init
  • Seek: c_i = Seek
  • Pause: c_i = Pause

Content interactions are accompanied by

  • Content name
    Matomo query parameter: c_n (string)

    • Example (decoded): c_n: Blue Billywig Player
    • Example (encoded): c_n = Blue%20Billywig%20Player
  • Content piece
    Matomo query parameter: c_p (string)

    • Example (decoded): c_p: https://yourcompanyname.bbvms.com/json/mediaclip/1234567
    • Example (encoded): c_p = https%3A%2F%2Fyourcompanyname.bbvms.com%2Fjson%2Fmediaclip%2F1234567

2.5 | Custom Variables

Matomo query parameter: cvar (string) <JSON>

cvar: {
"1": ["bb_id", "1234567"],
"2": ["bb_title", "Workshop (Bilingual)"],
"3": ["bb_duration", "33033"],
"4": ["bb_sourcetype", "on_demand"],
"5": ["bb_createddate", "2024-03-01T15:52:08Z"]

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