Interactive Studio Workflow Tips

You can watch our tutorial video on improving your interactive studio workflow here, or read the article below.


As you start working on larger projects in the interactive studio, you will most likely find yourself applying the same settings to multiple videos and widgets. In this article you’ll learn how to work more efficiently in the interactive. We’ll discuss: 

  • Using tags
  • Tips for copying / pasting interactivity
  • Importing timelines
  • Using messages

1.0 | Tags

Use tags to show or hide multiple widgets at once, without having to add an action for each individual widget. To apply a tag to one or more widgets, use the tags field in the properties panel on the right.

Interactive Studio tags

To see the use of tags in action, watch our tutorial at the top of the page.

2.0 | Copy paste widgets & actions

Use the copy and paste shortcuts as well as the option to copy specific actions to speed up your work in the interactive studio. 

To copy an element and all its interactive actions:

  • Select it on the canvas or in the timeline
  • For Mac press CMD + C to copy and CMD + V paste. 
  • For Windows, press Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste

You will now have an exact copy of that widget, including its actions.

It’s also possible to only copy the actions that are applied to an element. 

  • First, apply the interactivity to the first widget
  • Right click the property menu on the right (e.g. OnClick)
  • Select “copy procedures”. 

Interactive Studio copy procedures

  • Select another button
  • Right click the same property menu (e.g. OnClick)
  • Select “paste procedures”.

Interactive Studio paste procedures

3.0 | Importing timelines

When a project contains multiple clips with similar interactivity, it is possible to import all the interactive elements of one clip to another.

  • Make sure one clip contains the necessary widgets
  • Go to another clip and open the interactive studio
  • Select the “Timelines” tab in the left panel
  • By clicking the arrow of the relevant clip, you import all interactivity to your current clip.

Interactive Studio timeline import


Importing a timeline from a shorter or longer video than the clip you’re currently editing, could affect the imported widgets. We recommend checking whether the imported widgets are displayed correctly in the timeline.

4.0 | Messages

Use “Messages” to apply interactivity to multiple widgets. Messages allow you to set up actions and then link that message to several buttons. This in itself is already more efficient than setting up interactivity for each individual widget, but an additional benefit is that changing the settings in a Message will automatically update the interactivity for all the buttons that are associated with that Message. 

To set up messages, use the “message” tab in the right panel:

Interactive Studio messages tab

To explain how messages work, we’ll discuss an example where we have a quiz that’s made up of multiple choice questions. Out of four options, only one is correct, while the other 3 are incorrect.

Interactive Studio messages example

Instead of manually setting the interactivity for each of the 3 incorrect buttons, we will add a message called “incorrect”. 

Interactive Studio messages example

Interactive Studio setting a message

This message will be set to show an image to inform the viewer that it’s the wrong answer. All that’s left for us to do is to add the message to all 3 buttons.

Interactive Studio apply message to button


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