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Player Autoplay and Browser Behaviour

The “Behaviour” tab in the Playout settings allows you to set the autoplay configurations. Browsers have different policies when it comes to autoplaying videos with sound.

When a browser does not permit a video to autoplay with sound, the player will automatically mute the video before autoplaying.

See below for the differences in browser behaviour.

1.0 | Google Chrome

Muted autoplay is always permitted.

Autoplay with sound is only permitted if the viewer has interacted with the domain (such as clicking or pressing keys) or if the MEI (Media Engagement Index) limit has been reached. This limit is reached when:

  • The user has played a video with audio on the respective website within the same browser session;
  • The user has added the site to the home screen of their mobile phone;
  • The user has installed the PWA (Progressive Web Apps) web application on their desktop.

2.0 | Safari

Muted autoplay is always permitted.

Autoplay with sound is only permitted if the user has interacted with the domain (such as clicking or pressing buttons).

3.0 | Firefox

Muted autoplay is always permitted.

By default Firefox is set to block autoplay videos with sound. Autoplay with sound is only allowed if the user has interacted with the domain (such as clicking or pressing buttons).

4.0 | Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

Microsoft IE11 permits autoplay by default. Since there are no built-in settings, it’s challenging for users to adjust (limit or block) these settings manually.

5.0 | Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge allows users to personalise their browser preferences on websites that use autoplay videos with sound. Users can choose whether to allow, limit, or block autoplay.

In addition: users can choose to customise settings for a specific website. Settings per website take precedence over the general settings. Unlike many other browsers, Microsoft Edge’s default setting is to allow autoplay when a user does not set any preferences for it.

6.0 | Mobile Devices

On most mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android, Microsoft) autoplay is rarely/never permitted.

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