
Use the /sapi/awsupload endpoint to associate direct uploads to the server with mediaclip objects in the Blue Billywig Online Video Platform (OVP). 

Our OVP uses AWS S3 for file storage. Each OVP account has a dedicated AWS S3 bucket. To create a new mediaclip Creating a new mediaclip in the OVP:

  1. An upload session needs to be registered;
  2. A mediaclip needs to be registered;
  3. A file upload to the AWS S3 bucket needs to be initiated and related to the upload identifier that is received in step one. Read more on how to generate your AWS S3 credentials

Or alternatively, read more about uploading directly to S3.

1.0 | AWS Upload Session Object

1.1 | Example AWS Upload Session Object

   "acl": "public-read-write",
   "currentDate": "Thu, 21 Sep 2023 12:29:25 +0200",
   "uploadIdentifier": "e6ad9ab8bbc8dd10ee3d4465c09ad701",
   "endpoint": "s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/mm.yourcompanyname.bbvms.com",
   "region": "eu-west-1",
   "path": "upload/yourcompanyname/2023/09/21/e6ad9ab8bbc8dd10ee3d4465c09ad701"

1.2 | Attributes

accessKey(string) AWS access key id. Read-only
acl(string) Access control list. Read-only
currentDate(string) RFC-822 date/time the aws upload session was registered. Read-only
uploadIdentifier(string) A unique hash. Use the upload identifier as a reference once you’ve uploaded your file. Read-only
endpoint(string). Canonical AWS S3 end point URL. Read-only
region(string) S3 region. Read-only
path(string) Upload directory. Read-only

2.0 | Retrieve

GET /sapi/awsupload

Retrieves register details to for an upload session to the Amazon S3.

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