Player States

Use the “Player state” settings to determine the appearance and behaviour of the player’s start, pause, hover and end screen.

To access the “Player state” settings:

  • Go to Playouts in the left menu;
  • Head over to the third tab Player states to customize the player’s start, pause, hover and end screen.

1.0 | Show: Start, Pause, Hover and End states

Use the first section to change the appearance of the start, pause and end state:

player states settings

1.1 | Center Controls

Check/uncheck this box to show/hide the play button. The center controls are slightly different for each player state:

    • Start statestart state
    • Pause statepause state
    • Hover statehover state center controls
    • End stateend state

1.2 | Title

Show/hide the title of your video. Learn more about metadata

Show/hide the author and copyright of your video. Learn more about metadata.

1.4 | Share button

Show/hide the share button. When visible, the following share options are presented by default:

      • Embed
      • Facebook
      • Linkedin
      • Twitter
      • Whatsapp

Learn more about sharing options

share button

1.5 | Duration (start screen only)

This setting shows a timestamp on the start screen below the play button. 

duration clip

1.6 | Show moving thumbnail (start screen only)

Moving thumbnails are generated for each new video that is uploaded to your account. A moving thumbnail skips the first two seconds of the video and then plays the following five seconds in a loop.

moving thumbnail

When disabled a static thumbnail is used instead. When enabled:

  • Desktop: the thumbnail animates when the cursor hovers over the video player.
  • Mobile: the thumbnail animates once the video is in view.

When enabled, related content will be displayed during the pause and/or end screen.

end state

Select a Playlist to determine the related clips that will be shown. When no playlist is selected, the player will select a related item based on relevant metadata. Learn more about creating and managing playlists.

  • Use deep link for related items
    Deep links can be set in the clip metadata. When enabled, clicking a related item will not play the content in the current player; but instead the viewer will visit the deep link URL configured for that particular clip. Learn more about metadata.
  • Randomize related clips
    Enable this setting to apply a random order of related clips.

1.9 | Show last video frame (end screen only)

By default, the last frame of the video is shown on the endscreen. Disable this setting to display the video thumbnail instead.

2.0 | Autoplay Next

You can choose to automatically play the next clip after a countdown:

end state

2.1 | Only when pre-roll ad is available

Only play the next clip automatically if there’s a pre-roll advertisement available (only applicable when pre-rolls are configured on the playout).

2.2 | Autoplay next timeout (seconds)

Enter the amount of seconds the player should wait before starting the next media clip. The default value is 8 seconds.

3.0 | Soft Embargo (Simulated live display)

Use the “Soft embargo” settings to turn your on demand clip into a simulated live stream. Simulated Live allows you to present on demand content as a live video. Whether it’s an important pre-recorded announcement or seminar: create a Live experience for your viewers, including a countdown timer as well as a limited availability of the live stream.

Learn more about simulated live.

Control the simulated live display with the following settings:

    • Countdown timer variant
      Select the location of the countdown timer:

      • Center

      • Bottom left

    • Countdown time hidden
      Check to hide the countdown timer.
    • Countdown timer color
      Set the color of the countdown timer.
    • Countdown timer text
      Set the text countdown timer text. The default text used for countdowns is “Live in” translated in multiple different languages. Filling in a manual text overwrites this default and removes all translations.
    • Use custom thumbnail
      Override the clip’s own thumbnail with a custom thumbnail.

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