Set Default Language

If a video contains subtitles and/or alternative audio tracks, a viewer will be able to select these in the player:

subtitle audio track selector

The player stores the viewer’s last subtitle and/or audio track selection, so it can be served the next time the player is loaded (provided that the subtitle and/or audio track languages are available for that specific video).

However, the player is unable to apply viewer preferences when:

  • Functional player cookies are not allowed (learn more about player cookies)
  • The viewer has never loaded the player before and actual subtitle preferences are not available to the player.

For these cases it is possible to apply a default language for subtitles and/or audio tracks. To set the  default language for subtitles and audio tracks:

  • Go to the “Media Library”
  • Navigate to the “Playout” section using the left sidebar
  • Select your playout and open the “Miscellaneous” tab.

  • Default subtitle
    Set a default subtitle when there is no preference known/available for the viewer. Available settings:

      • First subtitle of clip (default)
      • Default language (publication setting)
      • None
  • Only when muted
    Only show the default publication language when the player is muted
  • Default audio track
    Set a default audio track language for cases where there is no preference known/available for the viewer.

    • Default language (publication setting)
    • First audio track of clip
    • Original


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