
Use the /sapi/transcoding endpoint (read-only) to retrieve transcoding status and progress information for clips.

1.0 | Transcoding Object

The status property of a job can be any of the following:

newThe job is received and yet to be ingested in the transcoding fleet queue
runningThe media has been transferred to the transcoding worker and is being transcoded
errorThere was an error with the transcoding job
bbqueuedThe job has been ingested in the transcoding fleet queue and is waiting for a free worker slot
transcodedThe job is finished

The structure below is a JSON representation of a cliplist with the associated transcoding jobs.

Example transcoding job list
   "type": "cliplist",
   "items": [
         "id": "1234567",
         "title": "Example Video",
         "originalfilename": "Example Video.mp4",
         "mediajobs": [
               "id": "9876543",
               "mediajobdefid": "1234",
               "status": "new",
               "type": "MediaJob",
               "totaltime": 19,
               "timeleft": 538.54545454545,
               "createddate": "2023-09-20T11:41:37Z"
               "id": "8765432",
               "mediajobdefid": "2345",
               "status": "bbqueued",
               "type": "MediaJob",
               "totaltime": 21,
               "timeleft": 20,
               "createddate": "2023-09-20T11:41:37Z",
               "starteddate": "2023-09-20T11:41:41Z"
               "id": "7654321",
               "mediajobdefid": "3456",
               "status": "transcoded",
               "type": "MediaJob",
               "totaltime": null,
               "timeleft": null,
               "createddate": "2023-09-20T11:32:34Z",
               "starteddate": "2023-09-20T11:32:39Z",
               "finisheddate": "2023-09-20T11:32:56Z"
               "id": "6543210",
               "mediajobdefid": "4567",
               "status": "bbqueued",
               "type": "MediaJob",
               "totaltime": 19,
               "timeleft": 19,
               "createddate": "2023-09-20T11:41:37Z",
               "starteddate": "2023-09-20T11:41:42Z"
               "id": "5432109",
               "mediajobdefid": "5678",
               "status": "pending",
               "type": "MediaJob",
               "totaltime": 8,
               "timeleft": 7,
               "createddate": "2023-09-20T11:41:37Z",
               "starteddate": "2023-09-20T11:41:41Z"
               "id": "4321098",
               "mediajobdefid": "6789",
               "status": "transcoded",
               "type": "MediaJob",
               "totaltime": null,
               "timeleft": null,
               "createddate": "2023-09-20T11:32:34Z",
               "starteddate": "2023-09-20T11:32:40Z",
               "finisheddate": "2023-09-20T11:33:00Z"
               "id": "3210987",
               "mediajobdefid": "7890",
               "status": "running",
               "type": "MediaJob",
               "totaltime": 27,
               "timeleft": 1,
               "createddate": "2023-09-20T11:32:34Z",
               "starteddate": "2023-09-20T11:32:40Z"
               "id": "2109876",
               "mediajobdefid": "8901",
               "status": "transcoded",
               "type": "MediaJob",
               "totaltime": null,
               "timeleft": null,
               "createddate": "2023-09-20T11:32:34Z",
               "starteddate": "2023-09-20T11:32:40Z",
               "finisheddate": "2023-09-20T11:32:57Z"

2.0 | Params

By default a limit of 15 is applied for clips created in the last 12 hours.

sort(string fieldname string direction) determine sorting field and direction (default is id desc)?sort=title asc
limit(integer) determine the number of mediaclips to return?limit=100
offset(integer) determine an offset to start the list?offset=100
mediaclipid(integer) only show results for a specific clip?mediaclipid=1234567
date-ingesteddon’t show clips that have been uploaded before this date?date-ingested=yyyy-mm-dd

?date-ingested=-10 days

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