
Use the /sapi/subtitle endpoint for managing your media clip subtitles. Subtitles can be used to enrich a mediaclip with additional (mostly language-specific) captions.

1.0 | Subtitle Object

1.1 | Example Mediaclip Object

   "id": "142667",
   "type": "subtitle",
   "name": "",
   "default": "0",
   "publicationid": "754",
   "isocode": "en",
   "languageid": "2912",
   "status": "published",
   "createddate": "2024-07-01T19:35:42Z",
   "updateddate": "2024-07-01T19:35:42Z"

Read more about the language entity endpoint (/sapi/language).

1.2 | Attributes

id(integer) Unique identifier of the subtitle object. Read-only.
type(string) Type of object: “subtitle”. Read-only
name(string) Subtitle name. Read-only
default(string) Default in publication: “0” or “1”. Is “1” when the language is the publication’s default language. Read-only.
publicationid(string) Unique identifier of the publication. Read-only
createddate(string) ISO 8601 date/time the subtitle object was created. Read-only.
updateddate(string) ISO 8601 date/time the subtitle object was last updated. Read-only.
isocode(string) Two letter ISO 639 language code. Read-only.
languageid(string) Unique identifier of the configured language in the publication. Read-only.
status(string) “draft” or “published”. If a subtitle is published it will be publicly available.

2.0 | Create/Update

PUT /sapi/subtitle

Example payload:

   "id": -1,
   "isocode": "en",
   "languageid": 1,
   "mediaclipid": "1082434",
   "originalfilename": "en.srt",
   "status": "published",
   "uploadIdentifier": "f1afb28a8b2c227e87dd983da91a4a1d"

The uploadIdentifier points to a requested and executed AWS S3 upload (see /sapi/awsupload). The upload should be a valid SRT (.srt) subtitle file.

Mediaclipid is the media clip’s id that the subtitle is associated with.

Example response:

   "IsDefaultLanguage": true,
   "createdBy": "support@bluebillywig.com",
   "createddate": "2018-08-10T08:57:17Z",
   "id": "186",
   "isocode": "en",
   "languageid": 3,
   "mediaclipid": "1082434",
   "name": "English",
   "originalfilename": "1162240_uhq.mp4",
   "publicationid": "1",
   "remotesrc": "eu-vms-dev-storage/upload/bb.dev/2018/08/10/4a1d/4a1d.srt",
   "status": "published",
   "type": "subtitle",
   "updatedBy": "support@bluebillywig.com",
   "updateddate": "2018-08-10T08:57:17Z"

If the status property is set to published the subtitle track will be immediately available.

3.0 | Retrieve

GET /sapi/subtitle/{id}

Retrieves an subtitle track object JSON representation by ID.

To retrieve the subtitle track itself (in SRT format):

GET /sapi/subtitle/{id}.srt

Where ID is the ID of a valid subtitle object.

4.0 | Delete

DELETE /sapi/subtitle/{id}

Remove a subtitle by ID.

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