
Use the /sapi/publication endpoint to manage the publication configuration. An Online Video Platform (OVP) publication represents a set of video content and account settings and provides an interface to the Publication configuration, including custom metadata fields, CDN configuration, and miscellaneous key/value pairs. 

Clients are able to manage multiple publications, but in most cases only manage one.

1.0 | Publication Object

1.1 | Example Mediaclip Object

   "id": "754",
   "status": "active",
   "type": "Publication",
   "publisherid": "1",
   "name": "yourcompanyname",
   "label": "Your Company Name",
   "baseurl": "//yourcompanyname.bbvms.com",
   "baseuri": "/yourcompanyname/media",
   "sourcepath": "/data/content/video/yourcompanyname/source",
   "statspublication": "yourcompanyname",
   "defaultMediaAssetPath": "https://d2lkpb6s11d5s3.cloudfront.net",
   "logo": "/publications/yourcompanyname/yourLogo.png",
   "defaultTimeZone": "Europe/Amsterdam",
   "timeZone": "Europe/Amsterdam",
   "reactTitle": "Your Company Name",
   "reactLogoId": "4393687",
   "reactHighlight": "fdac3f",
   "customfields": {
      "mediaclip": [
            "name": "textfield",
            "type": "string",
            "itype": "string",
            "label": "Textfield",
            "priority": null,
            "public": true,
            "dataSource": null,
            "dataSourceReturnTypes": null,
            "content": "",
            "extendable": false,
            "visible": false,
            "includeInStats": false
            "name": "extra_description",
            "type": "text",
            "itype": "text",
            "label": "Extra Description",
            "priority": null,
            "public": true,
            "dataSource": null,
            "dataSourceReturnTypes": null,
            "content": "",
            "extendable": false,
            "visible": false,
            "includeInStats": false
            "name": "internal",
            "type": "boolean",
            "itype": "checkbox",
            "label": "Internal Use Only",
            "priority": null,
            "public": true,
            "dataSource": null,
            "dataSourceReturnTypes": null,
            "content": "",
            "extendable": false,
            "visible": false,
            "includeInStats": false
   "supportedMediaTypes": {
      "video": ["MP4_IPOD", "MP4_MAIN", "MP4_HD", "MP4_HLS"],
      "audio": ["AAC", "MP3", "WMA", "OGG"],
      "document": ["jsonData", "EXCEL"]
   "sharingPublications": [],
   "reservedFieldnames": [

1.2 | Attributes

It’s beyond the scope of this documentation to discuss every property. Some of the basic properties:

defaultMediaAssetPath: the base URL for all hosted on demand media

customFields: if available for your publication the configured fields are shown here.

timeZone: Time zone setting for your publication. Used in reports and analytics.

2.0 | Create/Update

PUT /sapi/publication/{field_name}

With the contents of said FIELDNAME in the payload of the request will update the requested field in the Publication configuration.


It’s often neither necessary nor useful to dynamically configure the publication settings. Please contact support for advice.

3.0 | Retrieve

GET /sapi/publication

Will respond with a configuration dump for the current publication.

GET /sapi/publication/{fieldname}

Will retrieve one specific configuration property


GET /sapi/publication/defaultMediaAssetPath

Will get the base URL for on demand media.

4.0 | Delete

DELETE /sapi/publication/{field_name}

Permanently remove a configuration field from the current publication.


It’s not often necessary or even useful to remove publication settings yourself. Please contact support for advice.

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