
Use the /sapi/playout endpoint to manage playouts (player configurations).

1.0 | Playout Object

1.1 | Example Playout Object

JSON Playout object
   "id": "9107",
   "main": "false",
   "publicationid": "754",
   "type": "Playout",
   "name": "Blogpost",
   "status": "active",
   "createddate": "2021-10-26T21:46:00Z",
   "updateddate": "2024-06-18T14:22:21Z",
   "createdBy": "support@bluebillywig.com",
   "updatedBy": "support@bluebillywig.com",
   "label": "blogpost",
   "publication": "yourcompanyname",
   "centerButtonType": "ICON",
   "cornerRadius": "10",
   "responsiveSizing": "true",
   "aspectRatio": "",
   "width": "100%",
   "height": "1",
   "maxWidth": "",
   "autoHeight": "false",
   "skin_backgroundColor": "ffffff",
   "skin_foregroundColor": "6699cc",
   "ariaFocusColor": "",
   "skin_widgetColor": "6caedf",
   "bgColor": "ffffff",
   "logoId": "",
   "logoAlign": "TOPRIGHT",
   "logoClickUrl": "",
   "controlBar": "Autohide",
   "showStartControlBar": "Show",
   "controlBarPlacement": "Auto",
   "controlBarSticky": "Hide",
   "timeDisplay": "Hide",
   "timeLine": "Show",
   "disableFramePreview": "false",
   "muteButton": "Show",
   "volume": "Show",
   "volumeOrientation": "vertical",
   "languageSelect": "Show",
   "qualitySelector": "Show",
   "audioTrackSelect": "Show",
   "playbackRateSelector": "Hide",
   "fullScreen": "Show",
   "castButton": "Hide",
   "linkPauseHoverStates": "true",
   "showBigPlayButton": "true",
   "showBigPauseButtons": "false",
   "showBigHoverButtons": "false",
   "showBigReplayButton": "true",
   "title": "Show",
   "titlePause": "Hide",
   "titleHover": "Hide",
   "titleEnd": "Show",
   "authorCopyright": "Hide",
   "authorCopyrightPause": "Hide",
   "authorCopyrightHover": "Hide",
   "authorCopyrightEnd": "Hide",
   "shareButton": "Show",
   "shareButtonPause": "Show",
   "shareButtonHover": "Show",
   "shareButtonEnd": "Show",
   "showStartDuration": "true",
   "disableMovingThumbnail": "false",
   "relatedItems": "Hide",
   "relatedItemsPause": "Hide",
   "noPosterInExitPhase": "true",
   "date": "Hide",
   "authorCopyrightAlign": "TOPRIGHT",
   "authorCopyrightAlignPause": "TOPRIGHT",
   "authorCopyrightPrefixText": "source:",
   "exitscreenItemsListId": "",
   "useDeeplinkForRelatedItems": "false",
   "randomizeRelatedItems": "false",
   "autoPlayNext": "false",
   "autoPlayOnlyWithPrerollAd": "false",
   "autoPlayNextTimeout": "8",
   "shareButtonEmbedCode": "true",
   "shareButtonEmail": "false",
   "shareButtonFacebook": "true",
   "shareButtonLinkedIn": "true",
   "shareButtonPinterest": "false",
   "shareButtonTwitter": "true",
   "shareButtonWhatsApp": "true",
   "useDeeplinkForFacebook": "true",
   "shareText": "Currently watching:",
   "sharePlayout": "",
   "autoPlay": "false",
   "avoidMutedAutoPlay": "false",
   "forceCanAutoPlay": "false",
   "autoMute": "false",
   "mutedIndication": "auto",
   "autoLoop": "false",
   "stickyMode": "",
   "domFloatElement": "",
   "alwaysFloat": "false",
   "showFloatingCloseButton": "false",
   "disableFloatAnimation": "false",
   "floatingWidth": "",
   "minimumFloatWidth": "",
   "distanceFromTop": "",
   "distanceFromBottom": "",
   "startCollapsed": "false",
   "hidePlayerOnEnd": "false",
   "playInOverlay": "false",
   "interactivity_inView": "none",
   "interactivity_outView": "none",
   "forceInview": "false",
   "inviewMargin": "50%",
   "disableKeyboardControls": "false",
   "interactivity_mouseIn": "none",
   "interactivity_mouseOut": "none",
   "interactivity_onClick": "none",
   "clickUrl": "",
   "textAbovePlayer": "",
   "textCommercialSkip": "",
   "placementOption": "default",
   "placementDOMSelector": "",
   "waitForCmp": "false",
   "cmpTimeout": "",
   "showOnlyWhenPrerollAvailable": "false",
   "textAlternative": "",
   "showFrameWhileLoading": "false",
   "fitmode": "FIT_SMART",
   "isolatePlayer": "false",
   "forceNativeFullscreen": "false",
   "noStats": "false",
   "defaultSubtitle": "first",
   "defaultSubtitleOnlyIfMuted": "false",
   "defaultAudioTrack": "first",
   "disableCookies": "false",
   "supportIABConsent": "false",
   "preloadMainroll": "false",
   "disableHtml5VPAID": "false",
   "enableHtml5VPAID": "true",
   "commercialPauseButton": "false",
   "commercialMuteButton": "false",
   "commercials": "true",
   "textCommercialTimeRemaining": "Commercial time remaining:",
   "commercialBehaviour": "Once per clip",
   "minClipDurationPreroll": "",
   "minClipDurationPostroll": "",
   "allowCustomClickLayer": "false",
   "authorCopyrightPrefixTextPause": "source:",
   "pausescreenItemsListId": "",
   "skinOnTimeline": "false",
   "preferHD": "false",
   "autoMuteIfNeededForAutoPlay": "false",
   "float_player": "false",
   "allowBBIma": "false",
   "useDeeplinkForRelatedItemsPause": "false",
   "shareTwitterText": "Currently watching:",
   "adunits": [],
   "adschedules": [],
   "hasAdunits": true,
   "adunitsPreroll": [],
   "positions": []

1.2 | Attributes

All Playout properties are stored as strings.

2.0 | Create/Update

PUT /sapi/playout

The payload should be a JSON encoded Playout object. The only mandatory field is label. Label is also required to be unique as it is used to refer to the Playout in an embed code URL. Settings that are not specified when PUTting a Playout object will be derived from the default player settings. The returned Playout object will always be completely populated.

The player section should be left default. The default (Blue Billywig standard) is maintained by us and will receive automatic service updates at least every 2 weeks. Most other properties can be customized. For a functional description of configurable Playout properties we recommend the Playout section of the Online Video Platform user interface.

3.0 | Retrieve

GET /sapi/playout

Retrieves a list of Playouts. By default a list of the 15 most recently created Playouts will be returned.

3.1 | Params

q(string) specify a query to select a subset?q=title:”my fantastic new Playout”
sort(string fieldname string direction) determine sorting field and direction (default is id desc)?sort=title asc
limit(integer) determine the number of Playouts to return?limit=100
offset(integer) determine an offset to start the list?offset=100

3.2 | Result

An items container containing the requested Playout objects.

GET /sapi/playout/{id}

Retrieves a complete Playout object containing all references and metadata properties.

4.0 | Delete

DELETE /sapi/playout/{id}

Causes a Playout to be permanently deleted.

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