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  4. /sapi/cliplist (or /sapi/playlist)

/sapi/cliplist (or /sapi/playlist)

Use the /sapi/cliplist or /sapi/playlist endpoint to manage static sets of clips (static playlists) as well as filtersets that dynamically retrieve a set of matching mediaclips (smart playlists).

1.0 | Playlist Object

1.1 | Example Playlist Object

   "id": "1649942816310652",
   "type": "MediaClipList",
   "mediatype": "video",
   "listtype": "dynamic",
   "usetype": "editorial",
   "sourcetype": null,
   "title": "Blue Billy Travels",
   "description": null,
   "deeplink": null,
   "copyright": null,
   "author": null,
   "status": "published", 
   "filters": {
      "0": {
         "filters": [
               "id": "xbt4nerryjk",
               "type": "search",
               "field": "cat",
               "operator": "containsAnyOf",
               "value": ["travel"]
      "sort": "published_date asc"
   "date": {
      "created": "Thu, 14 Apr 2022 15:26:56 +0200",
      "updated": "Thu, 14 Apr 2022 15:26:56 +0200",
      "published": "Thu, 14 Apr 2022 15:26:56 +0200"
   "createdBy": "support@bluebillywig.com",
   "updatedBy": "support@bluebillywig.com",
   "thumbnails": [
         "src": "/yourcompanyname/media/2021/09/06/4354721-1630938744645394/4354721-1630938744645394_14.jpg",
         "width": "1920",
         "height": "1080",
         "main": "true"
         "src": "/yourcompanyname/media/2022/11/14/4736217-1668414087178326/4736217-1668414087178326_3.jpg",
         "width": "2796",
         "height": "1572",
         "main": "true"
         "src": "/yourcompanyname/media/2022/04/14/1649941639516649/cf81554ed0aefeaff4fa282dfc8775ef.jpg",
         "width": "1920",
         "height": "1079",
         "main": "true"
   "items": [
      // array of clip items

1.2 | Attributes

id(string) Unique identifier of the playlist. Read-only
type(string) Type of object: “MediaClipList”. Read-only
listtype(string) List type: “dynamic” or “static”. Read-only
title(string) Playlist title. Read/write
description(string) Playlist description text. Read/write.
status(string) Playlist status: “draft” or “published”. If a playlist has a published status, its data will be publicly available.  Read/write
createddate(string) ISO 8601 date/time the playlist track was created. Read-only
updateddate(string) ISO 8601 date/time the playlist was last updated. Read-only
publisheddate(string) ISO 8601 date/time the playlist was last published. Read-only
thumbnails(array) A list of images related to the mediaclip. Attributes: src (a file uri reference), main (true for the selected thumbnail and false for others), width (in pixels), height (in pixels). Read-only
filters(object) the applied filtersets. A filterset contains one or more filters containers (filter sets). Filtersets are combined (logical AND). Filters within filtersets use the logical OR operator. See below for supported operators. Read-write
items(array) List of resulting clip items

1.3 | Supported Filter Operators

is(string comparator) Value is exactly “value”
isAnyOf(list comparator) Value is any of the members in a list
isNot(string comparator) Value does not exactly match “value”
isNotAnyOf(list comparator) Value does not exactly occur in a list of values
IsBefore(date comparator) Value is before date time
IsAfter(date comparator) Value is after date time
IsInTheLast(date comparator) Value specifies a time expression: e.g. 7DAYS, 1HOUR, 1YEAR that should match
IsNotInTheLast(date comparator) Value specifies a time expression: e.g. 7DAYS, 1HOUR, 1YEAR that should not match
contains(string comparator) Value contains substring
containsAllOf(list comparator) list of values all occur within a list
containsAnyOf(list comparator) any of values all occur within a list
doesNotContain(string comparator) value does not occur within a list of values
doesNotContainAnyOf(list comparator) list of values does not contain any of a list of values

View a filterset example below:

   "filters": [
         "filters": [
               "type": "mediaclip", 
               "field": "mediatype", 
               "operator": "is", 
               "value": "video" 
         "filters": [
               "type": "mediaclip", 
               "field": "status", 
               "operator": "is", 
               "value": "published" 
         "filters": [
               "type": "mediaclip", 
               "field": "transcodingFinished", 
               "operator": "is", 
               "value": "true" 

2.0 | Create/Update

PUT /sapi/cliplist or  /sapi/playlist

Create or a new playlist by omitting the id property. Include a payload similar the the example provided in section 1.1.

PUT /sapi/cliplist/{id} or  /sapi/playlist/{id}

Update an existing playlist by including the playlist id property.

3.0 | Retrieve List

GET /sapi/cliplist or  /sapi/playlist

Retrieves a list of cliplists. By default a list of the 15 most recently created cliplists will be returned.

2.1 | Parameters

q(string) specify a query to select a subset?q=title:”New Playlist”
sort(string fieldname string direction) determine sorting field and direction (default is id desc)?sort=title asc
limit(integer) determine the number of mediaclips to return?limit=100
offset(integer) determine an offset to start the list?offset=100

4.0 | Retrieve

GET /sapi/cliplist/{id} or  /sapi/playlist/{id}

Retrieves a playlist object.

5.0 | Delete

DELETE /sapi/cliplist/{id} or  /sapi/playlist/{id}

Deletes a playlist object

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