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  4. Outstream Ad Unit General Settings

Outstream Ad Unit General Settings

1.0 | Ad Unit Settings

  • Title: The name of your Ad Unit
  • Code: The reference code for the ad unit.  If nothing is entered, it defaults to the title.
  • Description (optional): Used to describe the Ad Unit.

2.0 | CTA Settings

  • CTA text: Add text for a CTA (Call to Action) that displays on your ad while it’s playing.
  • Midplay CTA: Enable CTA text midplay by selecting “Show” option. When Google’s IMA service enforces their own ‘learn more’ button, your CTA will be positioned to cover it.
  • CTA position: Place the CTA at the top right or top left of the player.
  • Exitscreen CTA: Enable CTA on the exit screen by selecting “Show” option in the drop down menu. Optional: enable CTA exit screen shading.

3.0 | Outstream Settings

  • Ad refresh: The player will try to request a new ad whenever the current ad has finished playing or has been skipped. The player will always collapse when there was no result.
    Ad refresh is not supported in the native SDK players yet.
  • Sticky options: Enabling this keeps the inArticle player in view by either sticking it to the top or bottom of the page or floating to a corner, which increases viewability and completion rates.
    • Width when floating: The width of the player when floating in pixels. This can be a number or javascript code returning a number. Example: $(window).width() / 3
    • Minimum device width to enable floating: This option allows you to only float the player when the device width is greater than this minimum pixel width.
    • Always float: The player will not appear within the content and will always float to the location specified here.
    • Stay sticky: Once the player has started floating it will no longer return to it’s original position. Closing the player removes it entirely.
    • Show close button: Show a close button when ‘Stay sticky’ or ‘Always float’ are enabled.
    • Disable float animation: By default, when the player starts floating it will animate towards the set position.
  • Responsive Player Sizing: Allows you to overrule the width and height and make the player responsive to the block of content the video will open up in.
  • Aspect Ratio: By default, a responsive player will take the width of the player and calculate the height based on the aspect ratio of the video being displayed. Using this setting, you can overrule this to always scale the player to a certain aspect ratio. When using this option, we recommend 16:9 as it is the most common aspect ratio for video ads.
  • Width: Use a percentage for a responsive playout (eg 100%). You can set this to pixel width using the drop-down arrow.
  • Maximum width: Set a maximum width in pixels.
  • InView Margin: The percentage of the player’s height that must be visible for it to be considered ‘InView’.
  • Placeholder background color: Sets the background color for the placeholder displayed when no ad is playing or after an ad has finished. This applies only if you choose not to collapse the player.
  • Placeholder text color: Sets the text color for the placeholder displayed when no ad is playing.
  • Placeholder text: Enter freeform text to appear in the center of the placeholder. You can use HTML to customize the styling.
  • Allow Skipping: Allow viewers to skip the ad after “x” seconds.
    • Skip countdown text: set a skip countdown text and time.
  • Auto play: Ad will play as soon as the VAST has loaded, whether in view of the user or not.

4.0 | Display Settings

  • Show play/pause button: Enables play/pause button on the control bar.
  • Show mute/unmute button: Enables mute/unmute button.
  • Show progress bar: By default, the progress bar is enabled. You can use this setting to disable the control bar. If you do, previously enabled play/show and/or mute/unmute buttons will remain enabled.
    • Progress bar color: Change the color of the progress bar.
  • Text commercial time remaining: Set a text to announce the remaining time of the ad.
  • Text above player: Set a text to display above the player.
  • Text for player close button: Set a text for the close button.

5.0 | In & Out View

  • Start Collapsed: Start the player collapsed (closed) and only expand it if media plays. Leave unchecked if you would like the player to always start open.
  • Collapse on end: Collapse (close) the player when the ad is finished. Leave unchecked to have the player remain open when the ad finishes playing. The endscreen will show an image or the placeholder design depending on how your placeholder settings.
  • In View Action: Set player behaviour when it enters the user’s view.
  • Out View Action: Set the player’s behaviour when the player exits the user’s view.

6.0 | Mouse

  • Mouse In Action: When the user hovers their mouse cursor over the player, determine what action the player will take.
  • Mouse out Action: When the user hovers their mouse cursor out of the player, determine what action the player will take.

7.0 | Placement Options

  • Distance from Top: Adjusts how far from the top of the screen the player can display.
  • Distance from Bottom: Adjusts how far from the bottom of the screen the player can display.
  • Placement Option: Specify where on the page your script will display. The default is ‘At Script Position’, meaning the script displays exactly where it’s placed in the page source. Alternatively, use dynamic targeting to place the player elsewhere on the page. Read more on using DOM selectors for dynamic targeting.
  • Wait for CMP response: Enable to have the player wait to position itself on the page until a consent string is obtained from the CMP, or the configured timeout is reached.
  • Add (css) clear:both to player wrapper: Add the css style ‘clear:both’ to the player wrapper.  This can be useful in situations where the player can’t detect the correct width to use.

8.0 | Miscellaneous

  • Isolate player styling: Place the player in an isolated environment (Shadow DOM). This could be helpful if the page is influencing player styling.
  • Preload line items: Allows you to start calling all VAST URL’s in the line items at the first user interaction in order to enable faster playback once the user arrives at the player position. Without this option enabled, the first VAST call will be done when the player is “InView”. We recommend always checking this option to avoid any latency issues.
  • Custom Javascript Code: Custom javascript code that will be executed when the player is placed. You can use the references $$api (the player API) and $$wrapper (the player wrapper element) in your code.
  • Passback Code: Custom javascript code that will be executed when the player has finished playing an ad or no ad was found. Here you can pass back to either a display or video campaign.

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