Enterprise Analytics

The Analytics section of the Enterprise portal gives insight into the performance of all the clips in all publications included in the portal.

1.1 | Navigate to Enterprise Analytics

Select the Analytics option on the left side of the screen.

1.2 | Select a date range

Select either a preset date range from the dropdown or enter in a specific set of dates.


1.2 | Compare publications

Expand the list of publications on the right to view all publication stats together.   It looks like this:

Enterprise Portal Publication Analytics

Click on the dot indicated by number 1 (below) to add a publication to the graph. Each publication that is added to the graph appears as a line and each line has its own corresponding color.

Enterprise Portal Publication Selection Buttons

To filter analytics for specific publications, check the box as indicated by number 2 (above). This filters out all analytics for other publications. When multiple publications are selected, the graph will show the sum of all the publications.

Enterprise Portal Graph

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