Create/edit a React page


Use a React page to quickly and easily collect feedback for both linear videos as well as interactive projects. In this article you will learn how to create/edit a React page.

  • Go to the Media Library and open a clip or project
  • Before creating a new page, make sure your clip/project is published. Drafted clips/projects cannot be displayed on a React page.
  • Head over to the “React” tab:
    • Select an existing React page for your selected clip/project or;
    • Click “Create new page” to add a React page to the list.

react page feedback portal

  • The list displays the React page’s name as well as the selected playout and an indication whether the page is password protected: 

  • Click the ‘pencil’ icon to edit the React page setup
    • Set a name and playout for your React page;
    • Select which interactivity version to display: Published or Draft. This setting is relevant when the clip is already published for your audience, while only adjustments to the interactivity need to be revised.
    • Enable email notifications: enable to receive notifications when a comment has been submitted. This setting also allows contributors to receive notifications when their comment is resolved or a new comment has been added.
    • Protect your page by adding a password (optional): by default a React page is accessible to anyone. Add a password here to make it password protected.
Online Video Platform users & password protection

React pages are always accessible to logged in users of the Online Video Platform; also password protected React Pages.

    • Enter a deadline (date & time) for React comment submissions: users will be unable comment after the deadline has passed. The creator of the React page can still reply to comments and resolve comments after the deadline has passed.
    • Copy the URL to share the React page

  • After changing the settings, click “Save” in the action bar

It’s recommended to create multiple React pages when receiving feedback from different parties (the production party, colleagues, test users, etc). Keeping feedback separate makes it easier to resolve comments.

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