Player Cookies

The Blue Billywig video player uses both first-party cookies as well as thirty-party cookies. These cookies are included in the Data Processing Agreement with our clients.

A cookie is a small temporary file stored in the browser of your device when the player is loaded by a page or app. Cookies enable our player to store information on the device with different purposes:

Functionality cookies (also known as ‘preference cookies’) store preference settings to optimize the viewer’s experience. These cookies are anonymous and set in the local storage, which means that activity on other websites is not being monitored. Technically cookies and local storage are not the same, but in this article we’ll also report on the use of local storage as these are managed by our player cookie settings as well.

Tracking cookies (also known as ‘statistics’ or ‘performance cookies’) collect viewer data for analytical purposes and to enable personalised ads (when ads are configured on the player). Users of our Online Video Platform have access to the collected data in the analytics section to analyse viewer audience, used technology, viewer engagement, etc.

By default, cookie placement is enabled. There are two ways to manage cookie placement:

  1. Using a third party cookie manager that handles consent for the entire website or app or by changing the cookie setting.
  2. Changing the cookie settings in the playout. The following cookie options are available in the playout settings:

2.1 | Cookies enabled

Functionality and tracking cookies are placed:

userSelectedAssetFunctional: video quality preferences. Persistent local storage
masterMuteFunctional: audio preferences. Persistent local storage
masterVolumeFunctional: audio preferences. Persistent local storage
userSelectedAudioTrackIsoCodeFunctional: audio preferences. Persistent local storage
userSelectedAudioTrackIsoCodeWithTypeFunctional: audio description preferencePersistent local storage
userSelectedTextTrackIsoCodeFunctional: subtitle preferences. Persistent local storage
bb_play_historyFunctional: previously viewed clipsPersistent local storage
bb_uuid Tracking: tracking unique visitorsPersistent local storage
uuid Tracking: tracking unique visitors1 year
Google *Tracking: personalised ads(multiple)

* The player uses Google’s IMA SDK for personalized advertisements when these are configured on the player; and allows the placement of its tracking cookies (please refer to the Google documentation on the exact cookies placed by Google’s IMA SDK)

2.2 | Only Disable Tracking Cookies

Only functionality cookies are placed:

userSelectedAssetFunctional: video quality preferences. Persistent local storage
masterMuteFunctional: audio preferences. Persistent local storage
masterVolumeFunctional: audio preferences. Persistent local storage
userSelectedAudioTrackIsoCodeFunctional: audio preferences. Persistent local storage
userSelectedAudioTrackIsoCodeWithTypeFunctional: audio description preferencePersistent local storage
userSelectedTextTrackIsoCodeFunctional: subtitle preferences. Persistent local storage
Functional: previously viewed clipsPersistent local storage

When disabling tracking cookies, all statistics will still be available in the Analytics section. However, the amount of unique visitors will be less accurate as each player session is logged as a new unique visit.

2.3 | Disable cookies

Neither functionality cookies nor tracking cookies are placed. The player avoids placement of tracking cooking by using the Blue Billywig Ad SDK instead of Google’s IMA SDK.

When disabling tracking cookies, all statistics will still be available in the Analytics section. However, the amount of unique visitors will be less accurate as each player session is logged as a new unique visit.

To change the cookie settings:

  • Go to the “Media Library” tab
  • Select “Playouts” in the left menu.
  • Head over to the “Miscellaneous” tab
  • Use the “Cookies” dropdown menu to change the cookie settings:

playout cookie settings

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