Instagram Export

To gain more exposure for your video content, our Online Video Platform (OVP) offers an easy method to export videos to your Instagram account.

In this article you will find instructions to:

  • Create and authenticate an Instagram channel in the OVP;
  • Export video content to your Instagram channel.
Instagram business account & Facebook page required

To export content to your Instagram account you need an Instagram business account that is connected to one of your Facebook pages.

1.0 | Set up Instagram Export

To get started with exporting to Instagram:

  • Click “Media library” in the OVP;
  • In the left menu select the “Social” tab;
  • Add a new Instagram channel:

  • Authenticate by clicking the Authenticate button and log-in to the Instagram account you wish to use;

Instagram business account & Facebook page required

To export content to your Instagram account you need an Instagram business account that is connected to one of your Facebook pages.

  • Authorize the Blue Billywig API to manage your Facebook account;

After authorizing is complete, you can start setting the following:

  • Channel description (optional)
    Enter a name for the channel to easily manage multiple export channels.
  • Selected page
    Define what Instagram page you would like to connect.

2.0 | Export to Instagram account

Export videos to your Instagram account:

  • Click “Media library” in the OVP;
  • In the left menu select the “Media Clips” tab;
  • Open the “Social” tab and select the Instagram export option;
Export to multiple platforms

Want to add to multiple social media platforms? Just add another platform to the list.

  • Add a custom description or click “Accept prefilled content” to use the description already added to the clip’s metadata
  • (Optional): check “Schedule post” to post your content at the set date and time.
  • Click “Share” to start your export

  • The status pop up window indicates the export progress;
  • After the export is completed, go to your Instagram account to see the exported video.

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