Release 8.19 17/02/2025
We’re pleased to release the 8.19 version of the Blue Billywig Online Video Platform.
- Introduced keyboard shortcuts for sign language in the player.
- Improved the accessibility of the transcript sidebar.
- Added a JSON option to the embed options.
- Added an option to use thumbnails within the full screen Shorts embed type.
- Improved the fullscreen endscreen on our SDK to easily navigate back to the previous page.
- Improved the quality of ad schedule statistics.
- Fixed an issue with the view more option in Channels.
- Fixed an issue with floating player when changing tabs.
- Fixed an issue with the Chapter editor.
- Fixed an issue with the scrub bar staying active on mouse up.
- Fixed an issue with static playlists.
- Fixed an issue with the line items pane in ad unit details.