Release 7.77 07/03/2022
We’re pleased to release the 7.77 version of the Blue Billywig Online Video Platform.
- Added an embed code tab to the Playlist page
- Implemented several improvements to our Ad schedules feature that make it more mature
- Implemented several improvements to the performance of our Channels feature
- Fixed an issue where the player might get stuck on a paused ad after clickthrough
- Fixed handling of empty Ad Schedules VMAP
- Fixed an issue where pausing a video would result in no more mid-rolls or post-rolls showing
- Fixed an issue with control elements appearing during advertisements
- Fixes broken thumbnail preview channel while image is still uploading
- Fixes a bug where only 1 channel is embedded instead of all
- Fixes a bug with incorrect url when sorting on default fields
- Fixed an issue where filtering on custom metadata field values failed
- Fixed the player control bar sometimes not appearing when it should