Release 7.69 01/11/2021

We’re pleased to release the 7.69 version of the Blue Billywig Online Video Platform.

  • We’ve expanded the options for KPIs on projects, by making it possible to include widgets that are added on the project level. This enables you to use templates on a project level and still measure the results of the widgets within these templates.
  • We introduced a new view page that can be used when working on a projects.  On this view page you can set which playout to use, and reset the interactivity to its default state to facilitate an easier testing flow.
  • Improved accuracy of geo-location information used in Analytics.
  • Improved handling of high definition with a higher than expected bandwidth.
  • Removed email as a required field when commenting on a React page.
  • Fixed an issue where out view options could be set for a floating player.
  • Fixed an issue where 360 content failed in the Facebook in-app browser on iPhone.
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the new full width player block in Channels.
  • Fixes various bugs when previewing a Channel page with Player blocks.
  • Fix missing thumbnails in cliplist (for project).
  • Fixed an issue where SIMID clickthrough did not work anymore.
  • Added a placeholder for clips in channels without a thumbnail.