Release 7.33 02/06/2020
We’re pleased to release version 7.33 of the Blue Billywig Online Video Platform.
- The Publication Settings now include a field for “Automatic Deeplink Domains”, which is available when the Default Deeplink is blank. When a a clip has no deeplink configured, and there’s no Default Deeplink configured in the publication, it’s now possible for the clip’s deeplink to be set automatically to the first page on which it’s embedded that reaches 100 viewers. Only pages in domains you selected in the Automatic Deeplink Domains will be eligible, so the deeplink won’t be set to a third-party site you didn’t select, just because they reached 100 viewers first.
- The sidebar in the VAST Details screen, on clips with interactivity, now includes a ‘Show Engagement’ button that will display the engagement statistics
- Prebid configuration now includes a Price Floor option
- The Embed page of a mediaclip now shows an alert when that clip is part of an interactive Project, linking to the Project(s) that this clip belongs to. This avoids the inadvertent embedding of the project’s start clip rather than the project itself, which would affect the gathering of statistics on that Project
- Fixed an issue where the player could not be controlled using only the keyboard
- Fixed declaration of playerDelegate
- Fixed selectboxes sometimes not filling out the entire width
- Fixed imported widgets sometimes not showing on stage in the Interactive video editor
- Fixed an issue with going fullscreen on some iOS 13+ devices
- Fixed a bug that caused a message “user is uploading” to be displayed when the upload was already finished.
- Fixed report downloads to all users within a publication.