Release 7.55 06/09/2021

We’re pleased to release the 7.55 version of the Blue Billywig Online Video Platform.

  • Added the React functionality to streamline the feedback process on your interactive projects and media clips.
  • We now show a warning when deleting a clip that is part of one or multiple projects.
  • We now allow the passing of URL parameters to our VAST  service
  • Fixed an issue with the title of blocks in Channels
  • Fixed bug where grid items in Channels sized incorrectly when there were not enough items to fill a row
  • Fixed bug where the C

    • We now show a warning when deleting a clip that is part of one or multiple projects. This should prevent a user from accidentally deleting a clip and breaking a project.
    • We now allow the passing of URL parameters to our VAST  service

    hannel preview sometimes didn’t show until refresh

  • Fixed several small issues with the Android SDJ (