Ad Schedules

Ad schedules allow you to create pods of ads that can be assigned to one or more playouts.  Using a schedule, you can choose to add any combination of pre, mid, and post-rolls to your content.

To get started with Ad schedules:

  • Click Ad Services in the left menu panel
  • Select Ad Schedules
  • Click “Create new ad schedule”

1.0 | General Settings

  • Title: The name of your schedule.
  • Code: The reference code for the ad unit.  This field is automatically generated, but can be adjusted before saving the schedule for the first time. 
  • Playouts: Used to assign the schedule to one or more playouts.

2.0 | Ad Breaks Settings

Configure ad break settings for pre-rolls, mid-rolls and/or post-rolls:

  • Minimum content length – Only display the pod of ads when clips are longer than this length in seconds.
  • Allow skipping – Allows viewers to skip the entire pod of ads.
  • Interval/Interval Unit – The frequency in number of seconds or percentage of a clip that mid-roll ad pods can display. (Mid-roll only)
  • Align to scene changes – When enabled, the player attempts to align mid-roll placements to scene changes in the content automatically. (Mid-roll only)
  • Add VAST URL – Add VAST tags to create a pod of ads.

3.0 | Create a Schedule

  • Create a schedule by adding one or more VAST tags to any combination of pre, mid, and post-roll positions.
  • When connected to a playout, a schedule will run according to its settings on every clip played.

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