Release 7.68 18/10/2021

We’re pleased to release the 7.68 version of the Blue Billywig Online Video Platform.

  • We introduced several small improvements to our Channels feature:
    • You can now embed a single Project or Media clip within the player component. This allows you to highlight a single item instead of an entire Playlist.
    • Next to this, we also introduced support for Playlists that include Projects.
    • Lastly, we made the sidebar element of the player component optional. This allows you to have a full-width player component on your Channel.
  • We’ve added the option to include Projects within a Playlist. To include these within your Playlist, you can filter on the Media type property Projects. This works for both regular and smart playlists.
  • We improved the way we handle generated deeplinks for media clips
  • We’ve added support for 2 new Prebid adapters: & AdaptMX
  • Fixed an issue where a user with analyst roles could not access project analytics section
  • Fixed an issue where “media” and “advertising services” result in “unknown” in Hubspot when pushing multiple ovpTypes
  • Disabled player keyboard shortcuts to avoid unwanted controlling of the player when typing
  • Fixed the initial orientation of 360 video’s
  • Fixed an issue with playlists where filtering on mediaclip title wasn’t working
  • Fixed an issue with locking the aspect ratio of playouts
  • Fixed related items query in certain specific situations
  • Fixed an issue where SIMID ads weren’t logging complete analytics for interactive elements