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  4. Get started with Outstream Ads

Get started with Outstream Ads

Outstream, also known as native video ads, provide a way for publishers to monetize their editorial content with additional supply. Outstream ads get their name because the video ad exists outside of online video content, which is known as “Instream”. Outstream ads run on article pages without requiring any existing video content.

1.0 | Create a new OutStream Ad Unit

To create a new Outstream Ad Unit: 

  • Go to the Ad Services section
  • Click Create New and select one of the following options:
    • InArticle
    • Stay-In-View
    • InOverlay

2.0 | Outstream Formats

2.1 | InArticle

The InArticle ad format is by far the most popular of the outstream formats and offers publishers with premium editorial content a chance to monetize this inventory with video ads.

The user remains in full control of whether to engage with the advertisement or proceed with the content, and additionally can float to a corner of the window when a user scrolls past the player. Learn more about InArticle ad format settings.

2.2 | Stay-In-View

The StayInView format is designed to increase outstream performance for advertisers on mobile devices, with a view through rate (VTR) and overall performance similar to that of Instream ads. The ad sticks to the top of the page as a user scrolls, so that it’s always in view.

2.3 | InOverlay

The ad opens in an overlay when a user reaches the desired section on the page. A high impact format with 100% viewability, the overlay dominates the webpage, with the user having an option to stop viewing at any time and continue with the content.

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