JSON-LD Tagging

Our player supports JSON-LD tagging (“JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data”). JSON-LD tagging is by default enabled in the playout settings.

JSON-LD tags provide structured data: a standardized format for providing information about a page. Using JSON-LD helps search engines to better understand the content of your page, resulting in a better (video) SEO.

When using JavaScript embeds, a JSON-LD block is injected in the <head> of the page. When using iframe embeds, however, the JSON-LD block is injected in the <head> of the iframe.

The JSON-LD block contains either a schema.org VideoObject, an schema.org AudioObject, or a schema.org MediaObject, depending on the clip’s media type.

1.0 | Example JSON-LD

The following example displays the JSON-LD of a sample video:

<script type="application/ld+json" id="123a456b789c123d456e789f">
           "@context": "http://schema.org/",
           "@type": "VideoObject",
           "@id": "https://yourcompanyname.bbvms.com/view/default/1234567.html",
           "caption": "Landingpage Video",
           "duration": "PT0H0M22S",
           "embedUrl": "https://yourcompanyname.bbvms.com/view/default/1234567.html",
           "height": "400",
           "uploadDate": "2022-04-13",
           "width": "100%",
           "author": "Blue Billywig",
           "dateCreated": "2022-04-13",
           "datePublished": "2022-04-13",
           "keywords": ["interactive video", "video monetization", "branded video player", "content management"],
           "thumbnailUrl": "https://yourcompanyname.bbvms.com/mediaclip/1234567/pthumbnail/640/default",
           "description": "Introduction video to our full service Online Video Platform. ",
           "name": "Landingpage Video",
           "url": "https://www.bluebillywig.com/",
           "interactionStatistic": {
              "@type": "InteractionCounter",
              "interactionType": "http://schema.org/WatchAction",
              "userInteractionCount": "0"

2.0 | Disable JSON-LD tagging

JSON-LD tagging is by default enabled in the playout settings. To disable JSON-LD tagging:

  • Navigate to the Media Library;
  • Click “Playouts” in the left sidebar and select a playout;

playout settings

  • Go to the “Miscellaneous” tab and select the option “Disable JSON-LD tagging”

disable JSON-LD tagging

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